Category: Restorative Dentistry

dental fillings flowood ms
dental fillings flowood ms

The Ultimate to Dental Fillings

Did you recently experience a cavity? Are you considering dental fillings to prevent further tooth decay? Our dental fillings in Flowood, MS, can help protect your teeth in the long run and provide immense relief from discomfort and pain caused by cavities.  At Lakeland Family Dentistry, we’ll help you gain and maintain a healthy and functional set of teeth. But what are the benefits of dental fillings, and why should they be an integral part of your dental care routine? Restores Functionality Dental fillings are a great way to restore the functionality of your teeth after a cavity. They help restore the tooth’s structural integrity, allowing it to function correctly. Fillings will enable you to chew and bite without pain or discomfort, making it easier to eat your favorite foods. Prevents Further Decay One of the most significant benefits of dental fillings is preventing further decay. Once we remove the decay, we place the filling in the cavity, which seals off the affected area and prevents more bacteria from entering and causing further decay. Provides Comfort Cavities can cause a lot of discomfort and pain. Dental fillings can fix the issue and immediately relieve pain and discomfort. Once we fill the cavity, you can return to your regular routine without discomfort. Long-Lasting Protection Dental fillings are durable and long-lasting. Proper care and maintenance can last for 10-20 years. They offer excellent protection for your teeth and prevent further decay, saving you a lot of money on dental treatment in the long run. Aesthetic Appeal The materials used for dental fillings these days are tooth-colored, making them virtually invisible. They blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, and nobody can tell you have had dental work done. This is an excellent option if you want to improve your teeth’ aesthetics while maintaining their functionality. How Do I Get Started? The process is straightforward, and it involves vital steps that help in preserving the health of your teeth: Step 1: Numbing the Affected Area The first step before placing a dental filling is to numb the affected area with a local anesthetic. This will numb the surrounding tissue and ensure you feel little discomfort during the procedure. Step 2: Removing the Decay Once the area is numb, your dentist will remove the decayed part of the tooth using a high-speed drill or laser. Our team will carefully remove the decayed portion, leaving a healthy tooth structure behind. We will use a specialized tool to detect the extent of the decay, enabling us to remove all of it without compromising the tooth’s structure. Step 3: Placing the Filling After removing the damaged tissue, the dentist will prepare the area for the filling. The filling procedure will depend on your dental requirements and the location of the cavity. Once the filling material is selected, your dentist places it onto the prepared tooth surface, shaping it to your tooth’s contour. Step 4: Curing the Filling Material After placing and shaping the filling material, your dentist will use a specialized curing light to harden it. The light activates the chemically curing components of the filling material, bonding it to the tooth and ensuring durability. Step 5: Final Polishing of the Filling Finally, your dentist will polish the filling to ensure that your bite feels comfortable and that the filling does not cause any discomfort. Your dentist will check your bite and ensure that the surface and shape of the filling are even with the surrounding teeth. Dental Fillings in Flowood, MS Dental fillings provide an excellent way to maintain your oral health and hygiene. They offer numerous benefits, including restoring functionality, preventing further decay, and providing comfort, long-lasting protection, and aesthetic appeal.  Lakeland Family Dentistry offers many quality dentistry services, including dental fillings, cosmetic dentistry, and dental implants, to help you achieve your oral health goals. If you have a concern, contact us today to book a consultation with Dr. David Henry, Dr. Stephen Greer, and Dr. Chris Carlton. Let us know how we can help you!

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dental implant placement flowood Dr. David Henry Dr. Stephen Greer Dr. Chris Carlton. Lakeland Family Dentistry. General, Cosmetic ,Restorative, Preventative Family Dentistry Dentist in Flowood Mississippi 39232
Dental Implants

The Placement of Dental Implants at Lakeland Family Dentistry

Are you tired of dealing with damaged, discolored, or missing teeth? At Lakeland Family Dentistry, we can give your teeth a natural look that functions and feels great and lasts for years. Our passionate team uses advanced restorative technology and techniques like fillings that eliminate tooth decay and dental implant placement in Flowood, Mississippi. With our help, you can achieve a beautiful smile that you’ll love showing off! Dental Implants For a New and Functional Smile Taking great care of your oral health is essential to maintaining good overall health, and sometimes that means getting a dental implant. Missing teeth can cause many problems, from difficulty eating to self-confidence issues. Fortunately, dental implants offer a permanent solution for people who are missing one or more teeth. At Lakeland Family Dentistry, our experienced team will explain the placement process in detail and make sure you’re comfortable with it before moving forward. Let’s take a closer look at how dental implant placement works. The Process of Placing Dental Implants When it comes to dental implants, the placement process is both precise and complex. First, Dr. Henry, Dr. Greer or Dr. Carlton and their team members must evaluate your oral health to ensure you’re a good candidate for the procedure. After this evaluation, x-rays may be taken to map precisely where the implant should go to maximize stability and longevity. Once we have all the necessary information, we will begin the implant placement procedure by making an incision in your gum tissue. A small hole is then drilled into the jawbone where the implant will go. The implant is made from titanium or other biocompatible materials and is designed to mimic a natural tooth root as closely as possible. We follow the implant placement by securing a temporary crown to wear while your jaw recovers.  The next step is to wait for your gums and jawbone to heal. The bone surrounding the implant fuses with it over time to create a strong bond between them—this helps ensure that your new tooth won’t come loose or fall out! After the healing period has passed (which can take anywhere from four to six months), our dentists will attach an abutment (or connector) piece to your implant post and then add a custom-made porcelain crown on top of it—voila! You now have a permanent replacement tooth that looks just like your natural ones! Recovery from this standard procedure is typically straightforward, with only a few days of discomfort expected. Depending on the patient’s situation, minor swelling, and tenderness may occur near the implant site but should fade away within a few days post-surgery. You’ll likely be able to return to most daily activities quickly after the procedure, provided you follow our instructions for at-home care and medications if prescribed. Although it’s important to rest as much as possible to facilitate healing, gentle exercise can often help reduce any postoperative aches or pains. Following these simple guidelines will significantly aid in your recovery process! We understand that getting dental implants can seem intimidating, but there’s no need to worry when you visit Lakeland Family Dentistry! Our friendly staff will be there every step of the way, answering any questions about where dental implants are placed or how they work. We want you to feel confident in your decision and know that you’ll receive high-quality care throughout every stage of treatment. If you think dental implants might be right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can start creating your permanent replacement teeth! Dental Implant Placement in Flowood With dental implants, you can get back to eating the foods you love without worrying about how it affects your teeth. Plus, our services are designed to minimize pain throughout the entire placement process. It doesn’t matter if you need one restoration treatment or a complete overhaul – with Lakeland Family Dentistry, your smile is in good hands! Schedule an appointment today at Lakeland Family Dentistry and take the first step toward restoring your beautiful smile!

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gum disease treatment Dr. David Henry Dr. Stephen Greer Dr. Chris Carlton. Lakeland Family Dentistry. General, Cosmetic ,Restorative, Preventative Family Dentistry Dentist in Flowood Mississippi 39232
Dental Hygiene

A Guide for Good Oral Health

Did you know that taking care of your gums is equally important as taking care of your teeth? Many people don’t realize just how severe gum disease can become. With regular gum disease checkups and treatments, Lakeland Family Dentistry can help keep your gums healthy and strong.  We take pride in providing excellent dental services from a team of highly skilled professionals who have expertise in preventing and treating periodontal diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Our experienced dentists, Dr. Henry, Dr. Greer and Dr. Carlton, can also create custom treatment plans to get long-lasting results for your smile! Gum Disease Awareness Month This year, February has been declared Gum Disease Awareness Month. At Lakeland Family Dentistry, we want to ensure our patients are as informed as possible about the potential risks associated with gum disease and how to protect their mouths from it.  What is Gum Disease? Gum disease (or periodontal disease) is an infection of the gums that can lead to tooth decay and eventual loss if left untreated. It begins when bacteria build up on teeth and gums, irritating the soft tissue in your mouth and creating pockets that fill with toxins. Over time, these pockets become more pronounced and eat away at your teeth and gums, leading to pain, bad breath, and even jawbone erosion. Gingivitis is an early gum disease stage, resulting in inflammation of the gums that can lead to pain, swelling, and bleeding. If it goes untreated, gingivitis can become a severe condition known as periodontitis, with long-term health implications. It’s best not to let it go until then. Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the gums and soft tissue surrounding your teeth. Symptoms of periodontitis include persistent bad breath, red or swollen gums, receding gum lines, deep pockets between teeth and gums, and pain when biting down or chewing. If left untreated, periodontitis can damage the bone around your teeth and eventually lead to tooth loss. Fortunately, treatments are available to help manage gum disease, and we will take excellent care of you at our cutting-edge dental clinic in Flowood, Mississippi. Who Can Get Gum Disease? Unfortunately, anyone can be susceptible to gum disease. It’s most common among adults over 35 years old because they have had more prolonged exposure to the bacteria that causes it. However, younger people can get it, too. Additionally, smokers are particularly vulnerable since smoking reduces blood flow, making it harder for your body to fight off infections like gum disease. How Can I Keep My Mouth Healthy? The best way to avoid gum disease (or any other oral health problems) is by practicing good oral hygiene habits every day! Make sure you brush twice a day for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste; use an interdental brush or dental floss daily; limit your sugar intake; visit Lakeland Family Dentistry for regular checkups; and quit smoking if you’re a smoker. These steps will help ensure that your mouth remains healthy throughout the year! Gum Disease Treatment Imagine having healthier gums with improved hygiene — all while preserving the natural beauty of your smile with personalized care tailored to meet your needs. Don’t let gum disease affect your oral health any further; start taking action now at Lakeland Family Dentistry! At Lakeland Family Dentistry, we understand how important your oral health is – not just during Gum Disease Awareness Month but all year long! That’s why we always strive to provide our patients with the best possible care and education on how to keep their mouths healthy so they can avoid developing gum disease or any other potential issues down the line. If you have any questions about gum disease or would like to schedule an appointment to look into our gum disease treatment for optimal oral health, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Flowood Dental Implants Dr. David Henry Dr. Stephen Greer Dr. Chris Carlton. Lakeland Family Dentistry. General, Cosmetic ,Restorative, Preventative Family Dentistry Dentist in Flowood Mississippi 39232
Dental Implants

Types of Dental Implants in Flowood, MS

Dental implants are your best option if you’re trying to replace your missing teeth. They resemble natural teeth, both aesthetically and functionally. Today, various types of dental implants can complete your smile. But despite the multiple shapes, sizes, and materials used, most implants resemble natural teeth in size and shape. Here are the types of dental implants in Flowood, MS. What are Dental Implants? Dental implants feature a synthetic root that resembles a screw surgically inserted into your jawbone and forms a strong bond with your natural bone. Titanium makes up the majority of dental implants. A replacement tooth, crown, or complete set of replacement teeth can be secured using implants as an anchor. What are the Benefits of Dental Implants? Dental implants are an increasingly popular choice for replacing missing teeth. Unlike dental bridges, which rely on neighboring teeth for support, dental implants are anchored directly into the jawbone. This provides a more stable and durable foundation for the new tooth. In addition, dental implants help to preserve the natural shape of the mouth and jaw, and can even improve chewing and speaking ability. For these reasons, dental implants are often considered the best option for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants provide a number of benefits, including improved appearance, increased comfort, and better chewing function. In addition, dental implants can help to preserve the jawbone and prevent dental drift. When teeth are missing, the jawbone can start to deteriorate, leading to a change in facial shape. Dental implants help to stimulate the jawbone and prevent this from happening. As a result, they are a more effective long-term solution than dental bridges.  While dental bridges are also used to replace missing teeth, they rely on adjacent teeth for support. This can put unnecessary stress on these teeth and lead to problems down the road. In contrast, dental implants are independent of other teeth and do not place any additional stress on the mouth. For these reasons, dental implants are generally considered to be the best option for replacing missing teeth. Types of Dental Implants in Flowood When dental implants first started becoming the ideal way to replace missing teeth, there were a few options for you to choose from. These options are: Subperiosteal Implants Subperiosteal implants are placed under the gum but on or above the jawbone. An endosteal implant is placed directly into the jawbone. They consist of a metal frame that is fused to the bone. Subperiosteal implants are more commonly used in cases with an insufficient jawbone to support an endosteal implant. Transosteal Implant A Transosteal implant (also known as a Plate Form implant) is a type of implant that we place underneath the transverse process of the vertebrae. The process means we place a metal plate on the jawbone’s underside and use screws that we drill through the jawbone to secure the plate. The plate helps to hold the implant in place and prevents it from moving around. We often use this type of implant in cases where the transverse process is not strong enough to hold the implant in place. Root Form Implant (Endosteal Implant) A Root Form implant is a type of Endosteal implant. It is placed in the jawbone and provides a strong foundation for a dental prosthesis, such as a crown, bridge, or denture. The benefits of Root Form implants include increased stability and function, improved aesthetics, and preservation of bone mass. In addition, Root Form implants are less likely to cause implant failure than other implants. As a result, Root Form implants are often the preferred choice for patients eligible for implant surgery. Root Form implants are often the best option for patients who are missing one or more teeth. Dental Implant Placement Dentist in Flowood Since implant implantation involves surgery, specific training is required. Our team has advanced training and essential skills in implant placement. You need a strong jawbone to support the implant and healthy gums if you wish to replace your lost teeth. Additionally, you’ll need to practice excellent daily oral care and visit the dentist regularly to ensure the implant continues functioning. We are happy to provide information on what to anticipate from the procedure if you consider getting dental implants. Dental Implant Procedure Many patients worry that the procedure will hurt. While any surgical operation has some discomfort as the mouth heals, our doctor can use a local anesthetic or another type of sedation to ensure you are comfortable during the implant placement procedure. First, you will come in for a consultation. After we determine that you are a good candidate for dental implant placement, we will schedule your appointment. When you come for your implant placement, we will give you anesthesia (local or general, depending on the extent of your dental implant procedure) and prepare the area where we will place the dental implant. The next step dental implant procedure is the placement of the dental implant, which is done by making a small incision in the gum and placing the dental implant into the jawbone. We may place a temporary dental implant over the dental implant to protect it while it heals. Once the area has healed, you will return to have a dental abutment (a small connector post) placed on your dental implants and your new teeth (dental crowns) placed on top of the abutments. Depending on your situation, one or two visits may be all that is necessary to complete your smile. Flowood Dental Implants Dental implants might be an excellent choice for you if you’ve lost teeth and want to restore the look and feel of your smile. To determine the right implant for you, Dr. Greer or Dr. David Henry will probably X-ray the area. Our goal for everyone involved in the dental implant process is to offer the best solutions. Bridges, dentures, and full-arch restoration are additional tooth replacement options that we can help you with. If you want dental implants in Flowood, MS, contact Lakeland Family Dentistry.

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